Exam Branch
February 16, 2023 2025-02-12 14:06Exam Branch
Chief Superintendent of Examinations: Prof. Gnaneswara Rao Nitta
Additional Superintendent of Examinations: Mr. P. Sreedhar
The Academics & Examination section was established in the academic year 2006-07, for the purpose of conducting UG(B. Tech) & PG(MBA/MCA/M. Tech) Examinations. It is headed by the Chief Superintendent of Examinations and supported by Officer In-charge Examinations. There is sufficient number of supporting staff to look after the routine work of the section. The AES is well established in terms of infrastructure, computing and printing facilities. The activities of AES are as under.
The AES besides handling the conduction of examinations is responsible for providing service to AICTE approval & JNTUH affiliation applications for extension of courses/ new courses.
Academic Section Activities
Academic calendars for B. Tech, M. Tech, MBA, and MCA- year & semester wise
- Academic regulations
- Collection of Feedback
- Detained students due to shortage of attendance
- Detained students due to shortage of credits
- Time Tables
- AICTE/ JNTUH/ Convener/ APSCHE correspondence
- Admission & Academic records
- Student academic profiles
- MQ/Spot admissions - Convener/JNTUH clearances
- MQ/Spot admissions - Convener/JNTUH clearances
Examination Section Activities
- Internal examination (B. Tech, M. Tech, MCA & MBA)
- Internal examination time tables
- Conducting internal examinations
- Internal examination marks
- Uploading of internal examination marks to university portal.
- Final sessional marks
- Internal examination student data base
External examination
(B. Tech, M. Tech, MCA & MBA)
- Examinations notifications
- Online registration using OLR software
- Creating university data base and college data base dumps
- Uploading of data base dumps
- Conducting practical examinations
- Deputing the staff for observer duty
- Conducting projects viva-voce examination
- OMR answer booklets / Lab Award Lists
- External examinations invigilation
- Decryption of question papers using EDEP software
- Uploading day wise D- form dumps Theory & Labs
- Result analysis department wise and year wise
- Distributions of Memos, PCs.
- Conduction of EAMCET/ APSRTC/ APPSC etc examinations
- Representation of student grievances to University & others.