Humanities and Science

Humanities and Science

About H&S Department

Department of Science and Humanities was established in the year 2006. Students of I Year belongs to this Department. It inculcates basic knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English which is the foundation of Engineering education. In our Department the ethos of science and technology prevails, as it is believed that Engineering and Science are, by their very nature, humanistic and socially derived enterprises. English language is pervasive and spoken throughout the world. It is the language for all walks of life. A good command and communication in English are essential in the modern world to wield not only respect but in all business transactions. The Department of English is fully equipped with erudite faculty, a good language laboratory and other infrastructure to impart the language skills effectively. Mathematics, the queen of sciences is the basis for all branches of Science, Engineering and Technology. Any complex ideas can be logically expressed by equations and formulae. Mathematics itself is a language through which difficult problems can be addressed.

The study of Physics uncovers the mysteries of nature through the knowledge of properties of matter. In the Physics laboratory adequate equipment and instruments are available for performing all types of experiments involving light and other forms of energy. The study of Chemistry is crucial in all manufacturing processes where the transformation of one form of material into another. Equally important is the study of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, to save the globe from pollutions.

HOD Profile


Professor & HOD
H & S

Educational Qualifications         : MSc, Ph.D
Year of Experience                      : 38 years
Area of specialization                 : General Theory of Relativity
Award received                            : Best Principal (2019-20) AIACHE, New Delhi   
Research papers published       :    43   
Ph D supervisor                           : Two students awarded Ph.D.
NAAC Assignment                      : Peer team member               

1Dr. K T THOMAS Ph.D9691-241130-125019 Professor
2Dr. ANJI BABUPh.D0747-160212-151445 Professor
3SHILPI CHOWDHURYM.Sc2788-240909-134434Assistant Professor
4Dr. RAVICHANDRAN Ph.D8953-240909-171155Assistant Professor
5MADHAVI YERRAM.Sc1748-240220-160315Assistant Professor
6MIDDE KAVYA SRIM.Sc3146-240224-161008Assistant Professor
7T KAVITHAM.ScNO IDAssistant Professor
8DELWAR HOSSAIN M.A9276-220707-162741Assistant Professor
9Dr. SAI BABU KOPPADIPh.D0484-150408-155625Professor
10NAGUMANTHRI SANDHYA RANIM.A43150406-152655Assistant Professor
11Dr.THIRUPATHI REDDY PINNITTIPh.D5486-211023-100731Professor
12SUMITRA KAKUMANUM.Phil5491-220704-160451Associate Professor
13KARRI RAMA PRASADM.Sc8185-160129-151213Associate Professor
14LAKSHMI INDUKURIM.Sc5854-150409-142854Associate Professor
15SREEDHAR PATIBANDLAM.Sc2723-150413-123221Associate Professor
16SAILAJA NANDIGAMM.Sc3591-230413-123046Assistant Professor
17K NAGA MALLESWARIM.Sc3397-240909-115053Assistant Professor
18VALLABANENI HAREESHM.Sc65150407-103800Associate Professor
19Dr. SUMALATHA BOTLAPh.D6602-211217-105856Associate Professor
20Dr. TAMMINENI NARMADAPh.D4431-240226-105012Associate Professor
21DESU GEETHIKAM.Sc0750-230417-173939Assistant Professor
22Raju RachamallaM.Sc9573-150422-121852Assistant Professor
23SREENU BOCHELAM.Sc0600-190505-211403Assistant Professor



Course Structure


S.NoNameAcademic YearDownload
2B.Tech.I-II Sem. CIVIL SYALLABUSB.Tech COURSE STRUCTURE (2017-18) Download 
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