Master of Business Administration

About MBA Department

DRK Institute of Science & Technology established in the academic year 2006-2007, the MBA Department at DRK IST is committed to delivering quality management education with a strong focus on industry relevance and academic excellence. The department offers four specializations—Marketing, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Entrepreneurship—ensuring a well-rounded learning experience that prepares students for diverse career paths in the corporate world.

Commitment to Excellence

The department is dedicated to equipping students with cutting-edge management knowledge, practical skills, and strategic insights essential for thriving in today’s dynamic business environment. To achieve this, the following initiatives are undertaken:

  • State-of-the-art learning facilities that bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  • Management Development Programs (MDPs) designed to enhance leadership, decision-making, and entrepreneurial skills.

A rigorous and industry-aligned curriculum, emphasizing experiential learning, case studies, and hands-on projects.

Expert Faculty & Industry Integration

The MBA Department takes great pride in its highly qualified and experienced faculty, who bring a unique blend of academic expertise, research proficiency, and real-world industry experience. Faculty members go beyond traditional teaching, acting as mentors and guides, fostering a culture of innovation, analytical thinking, and professional excellence.

To provide students with real-world exposure, the department regularly invites:

  • Industry Leaders & Experts for guest lectures, panel discussions, and mentorship programs.
  • Accomplished Alumni who share their experiences, career insights, and success stories to inspire and guide future business leaders.

The MBA Department of DRK IST aims to transform students into competent, confident, and ethical professionals capable of driving innovation, leading organizations, and making meaningful contributions to society.

Shaping the future of business and management starts here!


To be a leading management education provider, developing innovative leaders for a dynamic global business environment.


To deliver a comprehensive education in business management, combining theory and practical applications. To promote entrepreneurship, strategic thinking, and leadership through industry-oriented programs. To nurture ethical leaders who contribute to sustainable economic growth and societal progress.

PEO’s, PO’s and PSO’s

PO1. Apply Knowledge: Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.

PO2. Critical Thinking: Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.

PO3. Leadership: Ability to develop Value based Leadership ability.

PO4. Business Environment: Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.

PO5. Team Work:  Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.

On completion of the Master in Business Administration program our students should be able to:

  • To train the students in a way that they are able to apply management principles and concepts to the real world business problems.
  • To create the cross functional capabilities among the students in a dynamic environment.
  • To instill inter-personal skills, spirit of team work and social responsibility among the management graduates.

PSO1: Identify the key issues facing a business or business subdivisions, utilize qualitative and quantitative methods to explore and solve critical business problems,

PSO2: Incorporate diversity and multicultural perspectives while making business decisions as an entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs.

HOD Profile


B.Sc, B.L, MBA, Ph.D
Professor & HOD,
Department of MBA

Years of Experience: 13 Years
JNTUH Unique Id: 5805-240530-112627
Areas of Specialization: Finance & HR
PhD: Management
Joining Date: 10-04-2024
Nature of Association: Regular
Subject Taught: Financial Reporting and Analysis, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Risk Management & Financial Derivatives, International Finance, Business Economics & Financial Analysis.

Papers Published:


  1. Prasanthi, P., KAUR, M. R., ILYAS, M. M., NATARAJAN, S., NEELIMA, S., & RAJALAKSHMI, M. (2024). The role of social media influencers in shaping e-commerce trends and consumer behavior. In OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY FORUM (No. 3s, p. 2278).
  2. Kismat, k., Prasanthi, p. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce: Applications, Implications and Challenges.Yugato.76 (1), 681-692.
  3. Prasanthi, P., Kumar, B. S., & Mohammed, R. J. (2023, July). Influence of psychological empowerment of women on their job satisfaction across India. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2797, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  4. Prasanthi, P., & Geevarghese. (2022). Impact of Social Media Marketing on Customer Trust in Indian Textile Industry. Journal of the Textile Association, 83(2), 93-96.
  5. Prasanthi, P., Geevarghese D. B., Kumar S. (2021). Impact of perceived organizational support & organizational trust on organizational identification: A study on employees of pharmaceutical sector in India. NVEO-NATURAL VOLATILES & ESSENTIAL OILS Journal, 8(5) 8680–8688.
  6. Prasanthi, P., & Kumar, B. S. (2021). Effect of Social Media network on purchase intention of consumer in Textile Industry: A comparative Analysis on Men and Women Consumer. Design Engineering, 10888-10895.
  7. Prasanthi, P., & Geevarghese. (2020). Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Textile Industry and its impact on work-life Balance of Rural Women.  Journal of the Textile Association, 81(4), 214-217.
  8. Prasanthi, P., & Geevarghese. (2020). Employees’ Intention to Stay: Mediating Role of Work Life Balance. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 17(4), 44-50.


  • Soundarapandiyan, K., Prasanthi, P., Gladstan, P., Panchal, T. K., Renuka, A., & Mohideen, A. S. (2024). Ethical Implications of AI in Marketing. Asian And Pacific Economic Review, 17(1), 138-160.


  1. Prasanthi, P., & Geevarghese. (2021). Smartphone communication and its impact on work-life balance. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 13(1) 2006-2014.
  2. P. Prasanthi et al., 2024.A Comparative Study On Performance Evaluation Of Mutual Funds. ANVESAK, Vol. 54, No.2(IX) July – December : 2024
  3. P. Prasanthi et al., 2024.Employee Motivational Practices And Its Impact On Job Satisfaction. ANVESAK, Vol. 54, No.2(IX) July – December : 2024
  4. P. Prasanthi et al.,2024. A study on Risk Return Analysis of Infrastructure Stocks. ANVESAK, Vol. 54, No.2(IX) July – December : 2024
  5. P. Prasanthi et al., 2024. A Study On Portfolio Management. ANVESAK, Vol. 54, No.2(IX) July – December : 2024
  6. P. Prasanthi et al., 2024. A Comparative Study On Performance Evaluation Of Mutual Funds. ANVESAK, Vol. 54, No.2(IX) July – December : 2024


  1. An Innovative Method for Predictive Analysis of the Supply chain Risk Mitigation and Agility Using CNN-BiGRU Based Model in the International Conference on Hybrid and Advanced Technologies – 2024 held on 26th to 28th April 2024 at QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole.
  2. Impact of Entrepreneurial opportunity on Work-life Balance of Rural Women through Social Media in AICTE Sponsored International E- Conference on Innovation in Rural Empowerment, Social Dynamics & Welfare in India on 15th September, 2020.
  3. Smartphone communication and its impact on work-life Balance and job stress Immanuel Business School in 4th International Business Conference on Embracing Change through Innovation & Creativity on 29 & 30 January, 2021.
  4. Influence of psychological empowerment of women on their job satisfaction across India in Conference of Mathematical sciences and applications in Engineering by Hindustan Institute of Technology & Sciences, Chennai on 10 Dec, 2021


  • Indian patent on “Medium that exhibit the impact of latest technology on HR” Application No. 202141055523, date of filling Application: 30/11/2021 and publication date: 10/12/2021.
  • Indian patent on “Equipment for E-commerce and Online Payment” Design No. 430780-001, date : 17/09/2024.


“Primary Data for Quantitative Research Methods” for the book – “Research Methodology”, Adam’s Book Company, 2024 with ISBN “978-81-973300-7-0”.

Department Faculty

1Dr. P PRASANTHI5805-240530-112627Ph.D Professor & HOD
2DR P SUBRAHMANAYAM26150405-174829Ph.DProfessor
3Mrs.KAVITHA DASARI2419-160121-143228MBAAssociate Professor
4S LAVANYA66150406-163529MBAAssociate Professor
6B SUNIL KUMAR8052-220708-112219MBAAssistant Professor
7Ms.KOLANTY MELODY HEPHZIBAH2017-170213-131955MBAAssistant Professor
8V VENKATA LAKSHMI9377-230331-133706MBAAssistant Professor
9Mrs.BANGARU SHILPA9424-180124-120328MBAAssistant Professor
10K PRASANNA 0202-170208-133047MBAAssistant Professor
11Mr.SIVANAGU KOPPULA5777-230803-130507MBAAssistant Professor
12RAMAKRISHNA0093-160306-054308MBAAssistant Professor
13Mr.ADI SESHU NANJAPPAGARI9550-180417-123525MBAAssistant Professor
14Mr.RAKESH POKALA 3443-200307-102317MBAAssistant Professor
15HARIKA BEJJANKI 9032-230803-113908MBAAssistant Professor
16BOLLIPALLY SRIKANTHREDDY 3323-170211-155528MBAAssistant Professor
17BHAGYALAKSHMI PALURI 3311-240701-094124MBAAssistant Professor
18J AKSHARA1514-241130-115842MBAAssistant Professor
19K SANDYA RANI7596-241130-131739MBAAssistant Professor


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